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Walking with you on this journey from terror

My heart aches with each of you now facing an empty place at the dinner table, a rent in the fabric of your life. Under very different circumstances, I too lost a loved one, and I believe it has been the loving support and prayers of family, friends and strangers as well that has given me strength when I thought I could't go on. All you dear hearts, please know that you have a nation at prayer for you, a world honoring the beloved, treasured memory of one who is dear to you. The support is unceasing, unrlenting, unwavering in the midst of this great grief which washes over your soul. We are here in spirit, though you may not see us, may not hear our heartfelt prayers for your well being. We are here nonetheless, offering our love, our understanding, our very hearts. I will think each night of your loss, and I will pray each day for those whom you mourn, just as I pray for my own cherished child. They will awlways live on in our hearts, their memory a very part of our own beings. Bless you all.

With love and respect

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